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Rosangel Perez
Feb 10, 20222 min read
6 Practice Strategies for the Beginner Musician
So, you have made the decision to take music lessons! Now, how do you practice between lessons? Because of the isolated nature of...

Rosangel Perez
Feb 10, 20223 min read
13 Practice Strategies for the Intermediate-Advanced Musician
QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. This saying could not be more applicable than it is to instrumental music practice. Below are some strategies...

Rosangel Perez
Feb 10, 20228 min read
How Does Your Personality Affect the Kind of Music You Listen To
Have you ever wondered why you love pop music while your friend can't get enough of jazz? Research might be able to explain. Music has...

Rosangel Perez
Feb 10, 20224 min read
Are We All Born with Some Degree of Musical Ability?
Nature, nurture, or both?? "There are no completely unmusical people, just as there are no totally unintelligent people."- Edwin Gordon...
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